F 18W T8 G13 865
Audio Visual Performance
10 x Fluorescent Tubes, Arduino, Relays

Dawid Liftinger: F 18W T8 G13 865 (excerpt), Video: InVivoLab

F 18W T8 G13 865 is a thought-provoking audio-visual performance that explores the intersection of light, sound, and technology. Through the use of cutting-edge digital interfaces, software, Arduino, and relays, the artist manipulates a series of fluorescent tubes, turning them on and off in a highly concentrated and dynamic manner.

As the tubes are activated and deactivated, they produce a unique soundscape that is captured and amplified, creating an immersive and captivating auditory experience for the viewer. The performance is carefully choreographed to create a sense of tension and release, as the interplay between light and sound is manipulated in real-time.

At the culmination of the piece, the fluorescent tubes are turned off, signaling the end of the performance. The silence that follows is a poignant reminder of the relationship between light and sound, and the ways in which they can be used to create a truly immersive and engaging experience.

